1. Discrimination, bullying or harassment of any kind based on race, religion, disability, sexuality, marital status etc is strictly forbidden. Immediate bans will be given to anyone caught breaking this rule.
  2. Do not post material on this site that is considered NSFW (not safe/suitable for work). This includes any form of pornography, nude/naked pictures, violent, or disturbing images/videos etc. Violating this rule carries a minimum 14 day ban. Anyone posting child pornography or any other form of graphic content involving children/minors will be banned forever!
  3. Watch your mouth. We all need to let off steam sometimes, but it's important to be mindful of how we do it. Swearing is not outright banned on this site, so long as it is done sparingly, and is not meant as a direct insult to anyone on or off the site. In other words, dropping an F bomb or 2 when you're angry at your broken computer is fine, but going over the top with your foul mouth or using bad language to harm or threaten someone will either get you put in jail for a few days or banned, depending on the severity of the offense.
  4. Do not post links to content that contains malware, adware, spyware or anything else designed to harm or compromise the security of someone's PC or other device. Anyone found to be doing so will be banned for a minimum of 60 (sixty) days and have their offending post(s) removed from the site if applicable.
  5. Do not use remote access to harm or compromise the security of someone's PC or other device. This rule carries the same punishment as rule 4.
  6. Do not bully, harass, threaten or deceive the administrator of the site, or any moderators, into giving you a higher rank or more user privileges on the site. As the administrator, I decide what powers users shall have and which users shall have said powers. Doing this will more than likely get you either jailed or banned, so just don't bother.
  7. This site is developed and run by a blind person, and is mainly targeted at blind people. Therefore, you are required to clearly describe any images, videos or audio files you post. Any media posts that do not contain clear, detailed descriptions of the media will simply be removed from the site.
  8. Try to avoid using words like 'Ancient', 'Archaic', 'Obsolete', 'Outdated' etc. Instead, say 'Old school', 'Retro', 'Vintage', 'Classic' etc. This site is about appreciating past technologies, not depreciating them. Furthermore, most of the tech discussed on this site, if not all of it, is still perfectly usable today with the right tools and knowledge.
  9. If you're a moderator, Do not abuse your power. Putting people in jail or banning them because you don't like them or because they disagree with your opinion, or you disagree with their opinion, or whatever, is called unfair punishment. You will be fired as a moderator for wrongful enforcement of the rules, and you'll more than likely get yourself jailed or banned.


Being in jail is the closest you'll get to being banned without actually being banned. When in jail, you can't:
  • Post new forum topics or reply to existing ones.
  • Search for other users on the site.
  • View other people's profiles
  • Send emails to anyone on the site.
  • Change your user title.
The only thing you'll be able to do is read posts, modify and delete your own posts and replies.

The C system

Here are the different types of punishment users on this site can receive. The type of punishment you get depends on both the seriousness of your violation, and the number of times one or more rules are violated.
  • C1. The user will be given a verbal warning via forum email.
  • C2. The user will be jailed for 2 days.
  • C3. The user will be jailed for 5 (five) days.
  • C4. The user will be banned from the site for 14 (fourteen) days.
  • C5. The user will be banned from the site for 30 (thirty) days.
  • C6. The user will be banned from the site for 60 (sixty) days.
  • C7. The user will be permanently banned from the site.